Whistleblower Elmer soll 4,5 Jahre in Haft / should 4,5 years in prison

Staatsanwalt Dr. P.eter C. Giger verlangt 4 1/2 Gefängnis, weil Rudolf Elmer mit WikiLeaks zusammenarbeitete und Missbrauch öffentlich machte!


Whistleblowing in der Schweiz ist ein Kapitalverbrechen!


Prosecutor Dr. Peter C. Giger requests 4 1/2 years of inprisonment because Rudolf Elmer collaborated with WikiLeaks by making abusive practice known to global society.!


Whistleblowing in Switzerland is a capital crime!


The link to the article of Handelszeitung

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Kommentare: 1
  • #1

    Karel Kulhavy (Montag, 20 Oktober 2014 02:23)

    Dear Mr. Elmer,

    I plan to visit your process allegedly on 10th December.

    I would like to point out my project which I made to allow the 0.8 billion people without access to drinking water some chance to produce safe drinking water themselves. Hope you find it interesting and perhaps even worthy your donation.



    Karel Kulhavy