Fact: Prosecution has been investigating the matter for more than seven years! The costs are impense which must be covered by the tax payer! At least of CHF 100 Mio tax income have been lost for Switz

Beschluss Obergericht / Decision Higher Court
Das Obergericht konnte nicht entscheiden, da die Beweislage nicht genügend war und die Arbeit der Staatsanwaltschaft schlampig ausgeführt wurde. Es entschied, nochmals eine detaillierte Untersuchung durchzuführen. In dubio pro reo kennen die Zürcher Richter nicht! Auch interessierten Sie sich nicht dafür, welche Kriminellen in den Akten festgehalten wurden.

The High Court of Zurich could not make a decision due to the fact there was hardly any evidence. Therefore, the judges decided to reinvestigate the matter in detail. In dubio pro Reo does not apply in the High Court in this matter, the criminals in the files were of no interest it appears.
Obergericht Beschluss 17112011.pdf
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The Guardian UK made it clear that Julius Baer`s Cayman banking is more than dubios
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The Guardian UK lists interesting names doing business with Julius Baer in Cayman
090213 The Guardian - Rare glimpse....pd
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The Stoclet story tells makes it all clear!
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Elmer`s Complaint at the Federal Prosecution Office 2009
The criminals where listed in detail such as the convicted Mexican Police Officer and drug dealer Arturo Acosta Chapparo etc!
Anzeige Bundeskrimnalpolizei fepol 09022
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Federal Prosecution Office turns town complaint in 2009 no link to Switzerland!
Bundesanwaltschft Verfügung Gegenparteie
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European Court of Human Rights turns down complaint
ECHR knew about all the criminals in the books of JB but it turned the complaint down in 2012. ECHR serves its members states and not the Human Rights in this case as the letter of Liberte Info proves.
Liberte Info 19092012 WA.pdf
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Response of ECHR to Liberte Info
ECHR_response_to_Liberte-info-1 09102012
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 192.7 KB

Greek Journalist publishing list of 2000 super rich people was found NOT guilty!

A Greek journalist  who published the names of more than 2,000 of his compatriots who held Swiss bank accounts was acquitted on Thursday in a case that touched a nerve over the role of tax evasion in the country's debt crisis. Reuters


Wikileaks publishing related to Rudolf Elmer

Convicted criminals such as the Mexican prolice officer and drug dealer Acosta Chapparo, defrauders like David Radler, Conrad Black all found guilty etc and the dubios Julius Baer business concept in the Cayman islands (Wikileaks). Rudolf Elmer is still under investigation and was found guilty on the Lower Court of Zurich by judge Dr. S. Aeppli. The outcome of the appeal at the Higher Court on Nov 17th, 2011 was that another detailed investigation needs to be performed by the Prosecution Office. The three judges of the High Court could not confirm the verdict of judge Dr. S. Aeppli due to lack of evidence! The investigation is now in its eigth year without any conclusion!