Good and poor journalists and supporters


You and I have had the privilege to meet with some very courageous journalists, who have sacrificed a great deal in pursuit of the truth.  There are good journalists, there are bad journalists, likewise police officers, doctors and priests Then there are editors, owners and lawyers each of which is a layer or control, influence or decision making in a media organisation.  I do concur with your proposal of the legal system protecting wrongdoers and persecuting whistleblowers and journalists who dare to speak the trust, the unwanted trust, the dirty secrets of a state, a corrupted regime etc.  I will see what I can do here.  I agree Julian is charged with telling the truth, not for spreading fake news or calling real news fake news, no his crime was to tell the trust, albeit, that truth was another's dirty secret.  The power of the state cannot be under estimated, but neither can it go unchallenged